This will be a one-time Determination, which does not include subsequent tracking or additional Determinations. We provide all the determinations on the FEMA Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form, Which includes the following information:
We provide this service for the commercial properties or for raw land or a tract under development. This eliminates the need to order determinations for each individual lot within the same subdivision or building phase by providing one determination at one price for all lots. As lots are built upon and purchase loans are made, lenders may receive individual flood determinations on the applicable loans.
This determination follows based on:
This is an initial Determination, which includes subsequent tracking and additional Determinations.
Whenever FEMA publishes a new or revised Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel for a community, we search our history for orders with LOL Servicing, and re-check the addresses previously submitted in the affected community. This is to make sure that the flood insurance requirements have not changed.
We Provide flood determinations for newly acquired portfolios. Where there will be option to monitor for future flood map revisions for the life of the loan.
Sometimes, the borrower or lender may dispute the flood determination provided. We provide excellent re-determination process, we will gather the appropriate information and documents to recheck and verify the position of the structure in relation to the flood zone, ensuring the most accurate determination was rendered. Upon your request, supporting documentation may be provided to demonstrate where the structure is in relation to the Special Flood Hazard Area on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
We Provide a Flood Overlay to our client to determine the exact location of the building(s). Flood Overlays consist of overlaying available GIS Maps, the most recent FEMA Flood Maps, and Aerial Photos in order to create an indisputable picture of where the Property in question is located in relationship to the flood zone.
We provide a drawing that shows the as-built location of the building(s) on the property. It is a part of the Title Work that is done by Lenders or Title companies to verify that the buildings comply with the communities Zoning Regulations. We can provide Mortgage Plot Plans for both residential and commercial properties.